Visual Studio Git Error | "terminal prompts disabled"
I was trying to sync our team's database project and was getting the below error git: 'credential-manager-core' is not a git command could not read Username for '': terminal prompts disabled One thing to call out here is that I had not synced the changes in the database project for over a month and there were no issues before. My guess is that somehow the OWA authentication got wiped out from my system and this might be the reason for this issue. In terms of the Solution I tried searching online on terminal prompts disabled and got a plethora of solutions mostly suggesting some git commands. I tried a few of the suggestions and didn't get any luck. This morning I started searching for git: 'credential-manager-core' is not a git command and came across the following issue reported on Microsoft forums Warning/error message when running git fetch within Visual Studio 2019 It basically suggests downloading/updating the latest versi...