
Showing posts from September, 2016


Last week, we faced a basic and yet the only major problem that sql developers/admin had to deal with and yes your guess is right, It was with SQL QUERY RUNNING SLOW.  I will be explaining the problem below, however I want everyone reading this to help me find answers because I still haven't found one! One more amazing aspect of the issue was that it worked fairly quickly in Development but was running like a tortoise in Production even though the number of records were practically the same. I'll start by throwing some light on to the execution plan, so that we narrow down to the code which was the culprit here. The code is enclosed into a stored proc. On contacting my dba to enquire about the issue, I got the following replay:- I must hand it to our dba to provide such a detailed response.  So my job was now to look at the code and modify it. What I did was to shrink the calender table into a temp table consisting of few rows that would speed up the operation. Be...